EQuanaut 10-Band Graphic Equalizer
Plugin for Windows
64 bit
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is a stereo graphic equalizer with a set of band-pass
filters that divide the audio spectrum into 10 bands
allowing to control the amount of boost or cut in narrower
frequency ranges, which is controlled with sliders or faders.
Add warmth and
shimmer by boosting or Cut certain frequencies in a
simple and intuitive interface with 26 built-in presets as a
starting point. EQuanaut is available as an effect plugin in VST and VST3 64
bit versions for Windows.
Center Frequencies:
31 Hz, 62 Hz, 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4
kHz, 8 kHz and 16 kHz.
10 Sliders or faders.
The amplitude passed by each filter is adjusted using a
slide control to boost or cut frequency components.
Gain. Adjusts
the overall decibel level by increasing or decreasing
the amplitude of the signal from the input to the
output, strengthening or weakening the frequency bands
or ranges selected.
GEQ Reset. The
Flat preset resets all bands of the currently selected
graphic equalizer to zero decibel.
Dry / Wet.
Offers a blend control for mixing and mastering.
Preset Manager.
Built-in browser to load and save presets and banks,
enabling to export to *.fxp (VST2 Preset), *.fxb (VST2
Bank), *.vstpreset (VST3 Preset), *.aupreset (Audio Unit
Preset) plus two generic formats (plain text): the
*.xmlpreset (XML Preset) and the *.xmlbank (XML Bank),
providing cross-platform presets/banks. This allows to
control over the loading and saving of presets from disk
as well as sharing presets between different plugin
formats using the generic *.xmlpreset (XML Preset) and
the *.xmlbank (XML Bank).
Preset Name Display:
Text box to display the active preset name.
26 Presets included. Ability to create
new and interesting rotary speaker cabinet effects.
An overview of which
frequencies affect different sound characteristics:
EQuanaut Frequency Distribution |
Frequency Range |
Frequency Values |
Sub-Bass Range |
~ 31 Hz to 62 Hz |
Bass Range |
~ 62 Hz to 250 Hz |
Low Midrange |
~ 250 Hz to 500 Hz |
Midrange |
~ 500 Hz to 2 KHz |
Upper Midrange |
~ 2 KHz to 4 KHz |
Presence Range |
~ 4 Hz |
Brilliance (High End) Range |
~ 8 Hz to 16 KHz |
| | |