
was founded in August 2004 by Daniel Laiseca and has been
developing professional virtual instruments and audio effects plug-ins for Microsoft
Windows and
Apple macOS operating systems,
offering 38 products that includes:
VST3 and Audio Units formats as well as
EXS24 sample libraries for computer-based music
production environments.
Computer and synthesizer technology joining together changed
the way music is made, and is one of the fastest changing
aspects of music technology today in order a musician,
composer, sound engineer, DJ or record producer to make,
perform or record music.
The name Syntheway is a portmanteau of the words
'synthesizer' and 'way', as a path or method to create
music through its software.
and Sampling Techniques. Innovation, Quality and Price
brings this groundbreaking technology to the musician, in the form of a software instrument
or sample library, combining advanced
sampling engine
based on real instruments multi-sampled and synthesizing techniques to
create natural, synthetic and hybrid sounds.