Master Hammond B3 Organ EXS24 Sample Library for Apple Logic Pro EXS24 Sampler, GarageBand AUSampler, Ableton Live Sampler, MOTU MachFive 3, Presence XT (.exs)
Master Hammond B3 Organ EXS24 Sample Library



Master Hammond B3 Organ EXS24 Sample Library

for Apple Logic Pro Sampler (formerly EXS24) & Alchemy Sampler, GarageBand AUSampler (macOS ), Ableton Live Sampler, Steinberg HALion, MOTU MachFive 3, Presence XT Sampler -PreSonus Studio One 3 Professional- (macOS & Windows) as well as E-MU Emulator X3 and Image-Line DirectWave Player for Windows.

EXS24 MkII Sample Libraries for Apple Logic Pro EXS24 & Alchemy Samplers, GarageBand AUSampler (macOS ), Ableton Live Sampler, Steinberg HALion, MOTU MachFive 3, Presence XT Sampler -PreSonus Studio One 3 Professional- (macOS & Windows) as well as E-MU Emulator X3 and Image-Line DirectWave Player for Windows.


Master Hammond B3 EXS24 is a sample library based on the legendary B-3 to recreate the classic and robust tonewheel organ plus Leslie rotating speaker cabinet, with a vast array of sounds capable of all the variations one expects from this type of organ. Suitable for any genre of music, be it Rock, Jazz, Blues, Gospel, R&B, Pop, etc.

The EXS24 mkII sample library version can be used on Apple Logic Pro Sampler (formerly EXS24 Sampler) / Alchemy Sampler and GarageBand AUSampler (macOS), Ableton Live Sampler, MOTU MachFive 3, Presence XT Sampler (PreSonus Studio One 3 Professional) and Steinberg HALion (macOS and Windows), as well as in E-MU Emulator X3 and Image-Line DirectWave Player for Windows.Master Hammond B3 Organ EXS24 mkII is a Sample Library version made specially for Mac users in order to use it on Logic EXS24 and EXSP24 Samplers. If you use Logic 5.5 or above, your EXS is automatically changed to the EXS mk II. It has been meticulously tuned and adjusted and particular care has been taken in the reproduction of the original realism of Master Hammond B3 Organ. Master Hammond B3 Organ EXS24, Syntheway Master Hammond B3 Organ EXS24, Hammond B3 EXS24, B3 Organ EXS, Hammond EXS, Hammond B3 Organ EXS files, Hammond B3 Organ EXS24 files, Hammond B3 Organ EXS Samples, b3 exs, exsp24 organ files, exs24 mkII, Master Hammond B3 Organ Mac, Master Hammond B3 Organ for Mac, Master Hammond B3 Organ for Macintosh, How to intall Master Hammond B3 Organ, Syntheway Master Hammond B3 Organ for Mac OS X and macOS Sierra, Master Hammond B3 Organ for Intel Mac, iMac, Master Hammond B3 Organ for GarageBand, Master Hammond B3 Organ for Logic

It has been meticulously tuned and adjusted and particular care has been taken in the reproduction of the original realism of Master Hammond B3 Organ.


#Price: USD 47.90 via PayPal


For existing registered users of any Master Hammond B3 Organ format, you can order using a special Crossgrade order page located here.

Promo: Upgrade to Master Hammond B3 v3 from previous versions.



Sample Library Description


List of Preset Sounds / Demo ↓


Fast Rotary Speaker Cab


Slow Rotary Speaker Cab


Soft Blues


Soul Jazz


Dark Gritty




Prog Hard Rock


Overdriven Fuzzy


Neo B-3


Mellow Vibes


Tonewheel Fusion


Full Bars


Swirling High Drawbars


Percussive Key Click


Percussive Smooth Jazz


Percussive Warm

Master Hammond B3 Organ has been formatted to Emagic EXS-24 instruments called .EXS files (in the case that you use Emagic's virtual sampler provided by Logic) or .NKI files (in the case that you uses the Native Instruments Kontakt player). They're adapted versions and formatted for Mac users only, and contains the main source sounds of Master Hammond B3 v2.1.1 meticulously tuned and adjusted.



Buy Master Hammond B3 Organ EXS24 MkII Sample Library online through PayPal

Buy Master Hammond B3 Organ EXS24 Sample Library online through PayPal


You'll be protected with Paypal's Buyer Protection so you know your order will be safe and secure. 168 bit keys High-grade Encryption

Secure PayPal Payment Services

All payments are handled securely online through PayPal. You'll be protected with PayPal's Buyer Protection so you know your order will be safe and secure. 

You can pay with your credit card, debit card ( are accepted if they have a Visa or MasterCard logo) checking account or PayPal funds ////, the Internet's leading payment network ///  Safe Shopping: 168 bit keys High-grade Encryption

  • Please check to make sure you are using a valid PayPal email address before ordering, so after your purchase and usually in less than 24 hours, we will send you an email containing a protected link for your downloadable sample library or authentication credentials to login and download it.

  • Price: USD 47,90 via PayPal

  • To Buy, click "Add to Cart" button:




Installation Notes:

  • After received the product and once extracted, the folder contains the Master Hammond B3 Organ EXS24 MkII files with their respective wav samples, and a couple of PDFs with information, license and EXS24 notes to place into proper folder of your favourite Sampler / Sample Player.

  • The location where samples are stored in Logic is:
    Macintosh HD> Library> Application Support> Logic> Sampler Instruments.

  • Also you can install the library anywhere else on your hard drive and place a shortcut in this folder. The EXS24 MkII instruments will show up in Logic EXS24 after a lauching the program.


Master Hammond B3 Organ also is available in .NKI files (in the case that you uses the Native Instruments Kontakt player). This  adapted version and formatted for Mac users only, contains the main source sounds of Master Hammond B3 Organ meticulously tuned and adjusted.  Master Hammond B3 Organ for Mac OS X and macOS Sierra: Also is available as Sampler with internal Sample Library made specially for Mac users in order to use it as .component (Audio Unit) and / or .vst format (Cubase for Mac).



Audio Units™ is a trademark of Apple Inc.

Emulator X™ is a trademark of E-MU Systems

DirectWave Player™ is a trademark of Image-Line

Live™ and Sampler are trademarks of Ableton AG

Logic Pro® and EXS24 are trademarks of Apple Inc.

Kontakt is a trademark of Native Instruments GmbH

VST is a trademark of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH

HALion is a trademark of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH

GarageBand® and AUSampler™ are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.

Studio One™ and Presence XT™ are trademarks of PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc.

Mac® and macOS® are a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Windows 7™, Windows 8™, Windows 10™ are either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Hammond™ and Leslie™ are registered trademarks of Hammond Suzuki USA, Inc.

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